Saturday, December 12, 2009

Margaret Gift List

Margaret has very kindly suggested Christmas gifts for environmentally concerned Canadians:

Gifts for your daughter: Instead of a stuffed animal, get her a real one to donate to impoverished villagers in Africa.The polite thing to do would be to reciprocate and make some gift suggestions for Margaret herself. So with further ado:

1. A Brain: Margaret’s columns often seem indifferent to the standards of reasons and evidence. Maybe an upgrade in the grey matter would help.

2. Her Man Friday Research Assistant: in a recent column, Margaret admitted to doing all her research on Google. Clearly she needs help. A research assistant would be the perfect gift, both for Margaret and the reputation of the Globe and Mail.

3. A Sauna: given her opposition to action on global warming, Margaret seems resigned to rising temperatures. A sauna is the perfect gift to help her get acclimatized.

4. A One-way Ticket Back to Chicago: to visit the relatives. We'd spring for a return ticket, but times are tough. And we’ve already gone over budget acting on her gift suggestions.

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